We can attempt to teach the things that one might imagine the earth would teach us: silence, humility, holiness, connectedness, courtesy, beauty, celebration, giving, restoration, obligation and wildness.
David Orr from "Earth in Mind"

May 25, 2007

Project Day

Originally uploaded by Ink Spots
Looks of productivity going on today. In the morning I worked on another book cover embroidery, edited four articles, wrote one review and started one article.

In the afternoon Alder and I went over to Trish's house for Chinese food and working on another project (it is secret until it's done). I am not a sewer, yet, so working over at Trish's is better. She has a whole sewing room set up. I love the space with it's bright walls and natural light.

Alder was a really good side kick today. I try not to have too many days where he only tags along but I had been putting off a lot of this stuff and it needed to get done. By the end of the day he was weepy and tired.

Luckily papa was getting home at the same time as we were so we had a family cuddle until he drifted off to sleep. Right now he's asleep in the bed in is overalls. A worn out boy.

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