We can attempt to teach the things that one might imagine the earth would teach us: silence, humility, holiness, connectedness, courtesy, beauty, celebration, giving, restoration, obligation and wildness.
David Orr from "Earth in Mind"

Sep 5, 2007

Quick Update

Okay the computer is finally on line. I promise to write about the trip and the adventures since the soon but for now I'm just saying hi. As for Bennington all I've seen is the Home Depot, Coffee Shop and the farmer's market. Kevin took Alder hiking today and I am supremely jealous.

We did get a little break this past weekend with family. It was a tumbled mix of Garlic Festival, Dinners, Fireman's Barbecue, and one long evening of wine and conversation. There are pictures to come soon.

There are however no trip pictures, we didn't stop long enough to take any.

I'm glad to be back.

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