We can attempt to teach the things that one might imagine the earth would teach us: silence, humility, holiness, connectedness, courtesy, beauty, celebration, giving, restoration, obligation and wildness.
David Orr from "Earth in Mind"

Feb 25, 2007

Projects and Travels

Both Alder and Kevin are napping right now. It has been a long morning of cleaning the house and Alder teething. We tried all the other remedies but he's had his first dose of alopathic medicine (acetaminophen). He is an amazing kid. Even though he's been cranky all morning it really is only about half the moments the rest he's smiling away "working" on something, like say how to crawl under a chair or over a mother.

We are trying to go through all the important papers that have piled up in piles. You know the stuff that you need to file away but it doesn't need to be dealt with right now but it can't be recycled. Unfortunately we've accumulated two milk creates full of the stuff since Alder's been born.

While Kevin mainly works on the papers I'm in charge of organizing the books and Cd's. They tend to migrate away from the shelves that they belong on. I probably took too much on by deciding that I want actually organize the shelves so we can find things again. I think this whole thing is Kevin's "project" this semester. Usually around midterms and exams he feels the need to do a completely non-school oriented project (refinish a hutch, paint his office). This past set of exams he did not do anything and he felt scattered.

I am glad we are doing this, it gives me one less thing to go through as moving gets closer. Of course we have a time limit to finish this since we're driving to Salida to meet my mother-in-law tomorrow afternoon to go to Santa Fe for three days. I am excited, since I have never been to Santa Fe despite the fact that I've been to Albuquerque ten times at least. It will also be fun to have Mary (mil) there since she knows so much about the region. Also it will give her time with Alder, which she hasn't really had since he was born, except for a day here and there.

That reminds me. Last week we went down to the Springs for a dentist appointment. She met us at the office to spend time with Alder. Even through he hasn't seen Grandma since Christmas as soon as he saw her he reached is arms to her. The only other person he does that for is his aunt Amanda.

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