We can attempt to teach the things that one might imagine the earth would teach us: silence, humility, holiness, connectedness, courtesy, beauty, celebration, giving, restoration, obligation and wildness.
David Orr from "Earth in Mind"

Aug 29, 2008

Slim time online

So we won't have internet in the house for a while. I'm cheating and doing this at work. Quick update, we love our new town. Kevin is busy with acupuncture clients. I'm working part time and am loving it, nice to be out of the house and interacting with adults. There will be more updates on occasions so check back-like once a week. As soon as I can I'll start up again.

I hope everyone is savoring the end of August and the hint of Autumn in the air.

Aug 13, 2008


On my 35th birthday I am once again borrowing a computer to write my blog. That's okay, Alder is outside playing with chickens and a friend while I'm sitting here in their kitchen trying to think of what to say. Unfortunately I am completely uninspired, I blame the lack of sleep due to a twitchy-legged husband last night.

We have a lot on our plate right now, new jobs (for both of us), moving, and Alder with his all of his daily changes. I'll try to get back here often but things might be slim for the next month or so.

Aug 5, 2008

Our New Home

Kitchen window

Just a quick note while in the midst of packing and unpacking. So far we love everything about our new home. Especially the kitchen, the fenced backyard, the light, the shed/studio. Gas prices are killing us and causing us to stuff the car to the brim each trip. Luckily Grandma and Grandpa watched Alder all day Saturday and Sunday so we could move some really big things. Perhaps a moving truck would have been a good idea, except that would have meant erasing one life before starting the next and with a toddler that's near impossible. For right now we're spending a few nights in each house as needed.

The view from the front door

We really don't have much choice about how we move right now, we don't have access to a truck so it's load by load. Luckily Kevin has a client in Bennington who wants to get treated anytime he's around so she's paying for our gas.

The view from the front porch

I hope everyone out there is having a great August, it's my favorite month (actually the August September cusp is)

Aug 2, 2008

For our fifth anniversary

yes he is a climber 2

How does he keep it white?

Minutes old

This is Kevin...my husband

Eight years ago we met, a blind date and we ended up tree climbing. Five years ago today we were married. I still look forward to seeing you everyday that we are apart. Our life isn't perfect but I wouldn't want to share it with anyone else. I love you Kevin, lets keep creating stories and having adventures.