A lot of changes are going on right now, the first is that we have sublet the shop and are closing. Between the economic crunch going on and our own personal feelings about materialism it was hard to really push our products on people. Second we are heading up to Maine next week for an interview with a woman who is starting a community acupuncture clinic in Belfast (Maine). Third we are hoping to stop and talk to another clinic looking for a subcontractor in Portsmouth NH. The two other options we've been working with are: staying in Bennington and getting other jobs while Kevin tries to build the practice, possibly becoming a community clinic, or there is a job in Glens Falls NY, except it's part time for not a lot of money.
If anyone has any input on any of these ideas please share.
Oh yeah I am writing this from my Dad's in New York City where Alder and I am for the week. This all started as a weekend with my aunt and it's turned into an almost three week trip.
Adirondack Dress in Autumn
16 years ago
I'm so sorry to hear about the shop! After all the work you've put into it. But I think it's great that you are moving on and looking for other possibilities. I'm starting to do acupuncture again after a 2 year break and couldn't be happier about it.
And Belfast? You'll be driving right by us :) It's BEAUTIFUL area. One of only two places I would move to, if we ever decided that.
well i'm sorry to hear about the shop, but i completely understand your reasoning. i never felt your items were really of the same materialistic caliber as mass produced stuff in the chain stores though.
i guess i would try for wherever will give you a large client base.
pardon my french, but HOLY CRAP, guys! from our experience you know where we're coming from, so i understand the predicament, but the stuff you carried was not the typical consumer items. you helped support small, and local artisans and you can't be faulted for that. maine is a fantastic place (although you got the NYC thing going too, so...).
you'll know the right thing when it's time, i just wish you guys didn't have to suffer. i wish i could give you strength to hold on. please let us know what's going on and keep in touch.
Phew! Belfast is up there :). My daughter and her husband live in Skowhegan - which is about an hour or so inland from Belfast. I think your shop might do well in Belfast ... in Portsmouth, too, although Portsmouth is a little more "urban" than Belfast ;). I know you have an Etsy shop. I hope that as you're planning your move you'll consider keeping it alive. I understand your feelings about materialism, but I agree with some of the other people who have commented. Nobody needs more cheap crap from China, but useful, lovingly created items we do need, and that's what you provide.
You should check out these guys. Also, if Kevin is interested in possibly opening his own practice, this PT clinic leases space for healthcare providers. It's a nice spot, right on Route One in Scarborough.
I too have to say a swear. We know and we understand, but I'm so sad that this happened to you guys. This had me so depressed last night. I wanted you to be there and succeed.
One of the last places we camped at was in Belfast. Bea-u-tiful. I wanted to move to Maine after this.The rocks on the beach are a perfect dark, smooth gray. (I'm such a vagabond. I'd live anywhere for a short period of time.) Alder will love visiting this wild place.A nice place for everyone's souls.
E-mail, blog and keep us up to date on your journeys. The right thing will happen, and you'll know it's the right fit. Thinking about you guys.
peace + love
I have to say that this isn't much of a surprise for me. From our conversations I really got the feeling that you aren't doing what was right for you (with the shop). Regardless of what you offer in the shop if your heart isn't in "selling" , because no matter what you are selling the equation is the same, you can't do it. I relate to this b/c of my experience trying to start my t-shirt stuff. Even though it was through and through a socially conscious business the customer/merchant thing just wasn't the way I could relate to people.
What is money anyway? It's just so weird that we trade our time for pieces of paper.
Selfishly I would really love for Kevin's practice to make it here in Bennington. What I hear in the other comments is that you contribute a lot to this community and I couldn't agree more.
But, search you must, and as a searcher myself I understand fully when something doesn't fit quite right. Your family, your life, and your success (measured only in happiness) is the most important thing.
I hope you guys are relaxing and getting the space you need for clarity.
I'm sorry about the shop, that must have been a hard decision to make. I hope it feels like a relief now and not a regret. Moving again so soon would be hard. I wish you the best while making this decision.
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