Please note there is a guilty admission at the end of this post. Don't think any lesser of me for it ;)
2 am a small warm body creeps his way into bed and nestles down for another five hours of sleep.
7am I am awakened by kisses, pats on the head and finally a few tugs of my hair.
7:30 am a family breakfast of corn porridge (we are beginning to think that Alder has a thing for condiments, any condiment)
8 am Mama heads out for the Post Office and the shop to check email.
9:30 Alder and Mama tackle the living room and entrance way...and sweeping.
11am yogurt snack and an attempt at a nap for A (a mama can dream can't she?)
12:30 out for a rainy day walk around town (stop by to see Papa)
1pm spontaneous play date with 5 other kids, all sorts of ages. (Patti I'll give Kim's email she has more Nova news), a bunch of Mama's hanging out playing with babes and buttons (my friend is the button source)
4:30 pm home for brief melting child, then naked child, then child hurling fork and eggplant at Mama's head.
5:30 pm join Papa at the shop to hangout while a friend has an appointment.
5:30- 7:30 pm happy Alder, naked Alder, more happy naked Alder, not so happy Alder.
7:30 pm Alder (dressed) and Papa go home I'm having a little down time.
8pm- 5:30 am Mama gets totally sucked in and stuck. Sucked into Heroes and watching the second 2/3s on Netflix. Stuck because there are lots of banging on the nearby doors, and the guys who live in this building are rough.
5:30- 9:45 sleep...nap.
So once a year or so I get sucked into watching some TV series on disk all the way through, an unintentional marathon. This is the real reason we don't have a TV, Mama get way too sucked in. I do have to say that if you at all like graphic novels then you'll probably like Heroes, it isn't art but it's fun. Of course since I don't have a TV it is possible that everyone on the planet has already heard of Heroes.
Sounds like a great day! I love the 4:30 p.m. one. Funny :) Although I probably won't be laughing when we're in the "throw fork at mama's head" stage...
How's the shop doing? Getting more foot traffic?
Is Heroes good? It must be if you got sucked into it. It's funny, we have talked about this before. It's been Sopranos, 6 Feet Under, Dead Wood for us. I highly recommend Deadwood above all of them. I think the library has the set too. Then there was Planet of the Apes movies one winter holiday. That was very strange.
say hi to everyone!
love that pic of the kiddo in the box with the adorable hat!
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